miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Cultural Diversity and Organizations

People within an organization have their own identity, and is that what makes them special to be there and is what contributes to the organization. In groups, members identity become stronger and that is the reason leaders highlight in groups. Leaders are necessary to coordinate team work; it is not easy but is what we do all the time, follow what others do. Every one in organizations should show control over them; but this is more important for leaders, they should earn respect to control the group and have power. CEO´s are leaders inside the organizations, the most powerful leaders and they should have more control than anybody else. They have to choose what is more important means or end, they have to determine how to motivate employees (rewards) and at the same time to focus indirectly on people to avoid future problems.
In organizations and everywhere different cultures coexist and interact; even among people of the same country the difference of culture is highlighted. Sometimes being from a specific country or region gives people extra value, but the ideal is to respect and enjoy every culture and individual differences. In organizations cultural difference between employees must be an important topic to take into account. This cultural difference builds the identity of the company but to get to build that identity the communication between individual identities must flow avoiding ethnocentrism and visual obstinacy.
This cultural diversity coexists due to expatriates and migration. Companies have expatriates, sometimes they need the knowhow of an employee they can’t find in local workers. Multinational companies sometimes send ambassadors of the culture, knowledge and philosophy of the company; and the best way to do it is sending someone from the company’s original place.  Companies encourage migration but there are other reasons for people to migrate, most of the times what they are looking for are better conditions of life; better health, education, security and work conditions and sometimes this decision is not taken because an offer they have from a company. Despite this better conditions people must take into account that hostile reception could happen, there are some cultures or individual identities more xenophobic than others and discrimination exists everywhere even inside organizations.

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